The Add-on Service that Changed my Photography Business

Seven years, ya’ll. SEVEN.
I can’t believe it. This months marks seven years that we have been in the photography business. I’m so thrilled to be starting this new year but there are a few changes coming to the studio in 2015.

First, a little background info.

My husband, Mike, and I started the studio part time in April of 2008. We shot on evenings and weekends in addition to both of our “day” jobs. After the birth of our second daughter in 2010, Mike brought to my attention how little time we spent doing anything other than work. He asked me to either quit doing the photography business or leave my full time job and work the studio from home full time. I knew quitting photography wasn’t an option. I left my job with the agreement that I would collect a paycheck from the studio every 2 weeks that was equal to what I was making at my previous job. He stepped back from the photography business and only shoots with me now on rare occasions.

Done.  I was now a full time photographer.

Then the pressure set in. I HAVE to make $XX.XX every two weeks. So, as many of us do, I took every session that I could. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was working more hours now than ever before. I didn’t work from home; I lived at work. I still loved photography but I rarely got excited about going to shoot. It was a job. I didn’t even take my camera with me when we went on vacations. My poor children rarely had their picture taken. {Sadly, my youngest never even got 1st birthday photos.} I was missing field trips and school parties because I had sessions. Something had to change.

Last year, I found ItWorks. I did not set out to make a career out of it. I signed up as a distributor for the discounted products. #truth

I loved the results I’d seen when I used the wraps on boudoir clients before their session and I wanted to start wrapping myself.

Fast forward to April 2015. I am now a Double Diamond Executive  and I could not be more excited. If you have talked to me for more than 5 minutes over the last year, I’m sure I’ve told you ALL about it. I want to shout it from the rooftops.

Home Business Income Chart - Photography business


Having the income from ItWorks has allowed me to look objectively at my time and realize that I can’t spread myself so thin. I have to draw the line and I can’t schedule 5-7 sessions per week. {I have a very hard time saying “no” so this is the biggest challenge for me.} I've been slowing backing down the number of sessions/week over the last few months and, you know what...I’m so excited to shoot every session I go to now! I found the passion for photography that I had before it started to feel like my job. I love it!

What does this mean for you, my wonderful clients?

  • It means that I need you to please schedule with me at least 2-3 months in advance. If you know a birthday or milestone is coming up, please email me and lets get a date on the calendar as early as possible. {Newborns are an entirely different beast since we don’t know when they will arrive. Typically since you guys will be on maternity leave and able to shoot weekday mornings, we don’t have trouble finding a date. I do build time in my schedule for newborns since our shooting window is so small.}

  • I won’t be shooting on weekday evenings except for rare circumstances. I want to eat dinner with my family. (I will still shoot on weekday mornings.)

  • I won’t be scheduling sessions on Sunday mornings any longer. I want to go to church with my family.

  • It means that you get more individual attention before, during and after your session.

  • It means that you get a more focused, creative, energized me at your session/wedding. I am so thrilled that I’m able to make a living through my passion for photography. I am excited for what 2015 will bring.

I can’t thank you all enough for all of the love and support over the last seven years. There is no doubt that I would not have had this amazing opportunity if I didn’t have the support of my amazing family, friends and clients.


The Add-on Service that Changed my Photography Business The Add-on Service that Changed my Photography Business Reviewed by Maggie on January 23, 2015 Rating: 5

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